Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept notices from Pro Se clientele? If so, how does this work?

Currently, Pro Se clientele are asked to contact Sheri at 913-342-2444

How do I pay for my notice?

Attorneys receive a bill with the first publication along with proof of publication.

What is the deadline to submit a legal notice?

Noon on Friday for the following Thursday ( a confirmation email will be sent within 24 hours)

How do I submit a notice that I would like to have published?

Attorneys, may submit notices by email as a Word document to: legals@wyecho.com

What day of the week do you publish your paper?

We publish every Thursday (52 weeks per year)

How can I receive the Wyandotte Echo?

The cost is: $ 16.04 per year and you can mail your payment to:

 The Wyandotte Echo, PO Box 2305, Kansas City, Kansas 66110

* All other questions, please submit through the website and your question will be answered within 24 hours

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